
Defines (or redefines) the screen angle, screen ruling, and default neutral density value for the specified HiFi ink.

Command constructor

PDefineInk(const char * sInkName, const char * sAngle, const char * sRuling, short dDefaultND);

const char * sInkName;

Name of HiFi ink (no tints), to a maximum of 31 characters. If redefining an existing ink, the name must exactly match as it appears in the Print dialog box.
const char * sAngle;
Screen angle from "0.0" to "360.0"
Specify an empty string ("") to leave angle unchanged
const char * sRuling;
Screen ruling (frequency), for specified ink, from "1.0"to "500.0"
Specify an empty string ("") to leave ruling unchanged
short dDefaultND;
Default neutral density for ink (to 3 decimal places), from 0.000 to 10.000 in thousandths (10.000 = 10000).
kParmDontCare to leave value unchanged

Example. The following example defines HiFiGreen with a 45 degree screen angle, a screen ruling of 60, and a default neutral density of 0.

PDefineInk("HiFiGreen", "45", "60", 0);

See also

The PDefineColor, PInkND, and PPrintInk commands

The PGetColor, PGetColorInfo, PGetColorNames, PGetInkNames, PGetInkInfo, and PGetInkND queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Element > Define Colors

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